Myst V End Of Ages Screenshots

Myst V End Of Ages Screenshots Average ratng: 3,6/5 8320 votes

Hello to you, My myst V game won't run under Windows 10, though it did run properly under Windows XP service pack 3, but I don't think it is a compatibility issue. Is there some way I can attach here a screenshot window I receive while attempting to run a Myst V? Is this perhaps a Direct X issue, since I remember while attempting to install a Direct X 9 for Windows 10 the installation has failed.

All images in this walkthrough are property of Ubi SoftEntertainment™

Walkthrough by Bert Jamin

© September 2005 Bert Jamin (
This walkthrough may not be sold and may not be used for any commercialpurposes. Neither is it permitted to publish this walkthrough in any way withoutthe written permission of the author Bert Jamin ( and his E-mail address ( are mentioned unchanged. For the most up to date walkthroughs always visit
If you have any suggestionsto improve this walkthrough, let me know by sending me an email:

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or click on the image atthe bottom of this page to go to the next chapter.


Look around to see that this room hasseven doors. Believe me, only one of them can be opened! Go one step forward. Turn tothe left and pick up the Myst linking book from the table. Try to open it.Hmmm.. it is firmly locked! Put down the book. Turn to the right and go forwardtwo times. Open the door.

Go forward two times. Turn to the left.Go down the stairs. Go two times forward. You can look through the windows at your left side if youlike. Go three times forward and go down the next two little stairs. Pick up the journalnear the blue light on the floor at your left side. From now on you can saveyour game by clicking on the blue object at the right upper corner of your screen.To restore a saved game click on the brown book next to the blue object at thetop of your screen.

Go forward one time and turn to the left.Go through the corridor until you reach the room with the linking bubble. If youwant you can climb up the stairs in this room to look through the windows. Enterthe linking bubble and click on the blue-lit Tablet on top of the linkingpedestal. It is firmly kept in place for the moment. Turn around and exit the linking bubble to meetYeesha. Listen to her story and keep in mind thatat the end of her story she tells you not to give her the Tablet at the end.

The Volcano

Nowyou'll meet Esher. Listen to his story too. He also tells you not to give theTablet to Yeesha. Go forward and study all the rocks with the different drawingsif you like. Behind a huge rock you'll find the hole in the ground Esher told youabout.

The Descent

Climb down the hole. Turn around andenter the dark blue-lit corridor. Go forwards four times. Turn to the right and pick up the firstJournal. Read the Journal for some information from Yeesha. As you'll see you have to collect twelve of theseJournals.No need to tell you that is it is a good thing to read those as well. Goforward two times, turn to the left and pick up the second Journal.Go forward and enter the resting room at the left side.

Go forward two times. Turn to the leftand switch on the hologram device to hear Yeesha's message. Turn to the right.Go forward, turn to the right and pick up the third Journal. Examine the room to find some beds and some other useless stuff.You also find a working linking pedestal to Direbo. Click on the image in thebook to getlinked to Direbo. Here you have another meeting with Esher. He tells you thatthis is the linking bubble to the Age that you have to visit first, calledTaghira. Enter the linking bubble to see a icy landscape projected on the innerside of the bubble. Exit the linking bubble.

Notice two woodenbridges. Open the front gate of each wooden bridge by pressing the blue-litbutton at he left side of each bridge. No need to cross the bridgesbecause they all have a dead end for now. Return to the pedestal with the linking book in frontof the linking bubble. Click on the image in the linking book to get linked back to theresting room that you just left.

Exit the resting room. Turn to the rightand walk through the corridor. Walk almost to the end of the corridor. Enter the room at your right side. Cross the roomto meet Esher once more. Go forward one step and turn to the right. Go forwardand enter the small tunnel to your left. Turn to the right and pick up the fourthJournal. Exit the tunnel and turn to the right.

Walk to the lever next to the door. Pullthe lever. Turn to the left and walk to the opened door with the green-lit tileon the floor. Enter the door and walkto the next room. Turn to the right and walk forward to have another meetingwith Esher. Go forward and climb up the stairs.

Turn to the left and pull the lever tocall the elevator. Turn to the right and step forward one time. Turn to the leftand wait for theelevator to come. Step into the elevator and pull the lever that is hanging downat your left side. When the elevator stops go forward fivetimes. Turn to the left and enter the resting room.

Pick up the fifthJournal from the bed at the back wall . In this resting room you'll find another linking pedestal to Direbo. Use it to link back to Direbo. Openthe front gates ofthese two bridges also. Return to the linking pedestal in front of the linkingbubble. Click on the image in the linking book to get linked back to the resting room. Exit the resting room. Turn tothe left and walk to the next elevator. Pick up the sixth Journalthat is lying next to the lever. Pull the lever to call theelevator.

Baby boomer definition is - a person born during a period of time in which there is a marked rise in a population's birthrate: a person born during a baby boom; especially: a person born in the U.S. Following the end of World War II (usually considered to be in the years from 1946 to 1964). Generation before baby boomers. A baby boomer is a person who was born between 1946 and 1964 and belongs to a generational group that has had a significant impact on the economy.

Turn to the right and go one stepforward. Turn to the left and enter the elevator. Pull the lever to have anotherfree ride down. Turn around. Turn to the right and go down the stairs. Goforward to have another meeting withEsher. Go forward three times. Turn to the left and go downthe other stairs.

Go down the stairs at your right side. Goall the way down. Pick up the seventh Journal fromthe floor near the pedestal. Press the blue-lit button on top of the pedestal.Notice that when it is set it returns to its former position by little steps.This means that you just have a limited time to do some other things!

Quickly turn around and go down thestairs. Keep on walking until you are standing on the balcony. Run to the balcony at the opposite side of the room. Climb up the stairsand press the yellow-lit button on top of the pedestal. Turn around and walk to the center of the room.Press the red button for a free ride up.

Look around and notice four pathways tothe outer side of the room. Take the second pathway at the left side of thewhite beams. Enter the room at the end of the pathway. Turn to the right andwalk towards the device at the left side of the wall. Turn to the left. Pick up the eighthJournal. Move the big lever to the left position.

Turn to the left and walk into theresting room. Switch on the hologram device for another message from Yeesha.Walk to the pedestal with the linking book. Click on the image in the book to get linked toDirebo once more. Open the front gate of each bridge one more time. Return to thelinking pedestal in front of the linking bubble. Click on the image in the linking book toget linked back to the resting room. Exit the resting room. Turn to the rightand return to the elevator platform. Press the red button and go all the way down.When the elevator stops press the red button once more. Before the platform goesup quickly run to the outer side of the room so the platform leaveswithout you.

Find the steel ladder leading down at the centeropening in the floor. Climb down the ladder. Turn around and walk onto thecenter platform. Pick up the ninth Journal. Lookaround to find the long bridge leading out of this room. Walk allthe way to the end of that bridge. Move the lever to the left position toactivate the fans.

Turn around and walk back onto the bridgeto find a steel ladder leading up halfway the bridge. Climb up the ladder. Walkstraight forward and pick up the tenth Journal atthe end of the corridor. Pull the lever to open the door. Turn to the left and walk into the roomat the other side of the corridor where you metEsher before.

Cross the room. Turn to the right and walktoward theclosed door. Turn to the right and go forward. Pick up the eleventh Journal from thefloor next to the broken lever. Turn around. Enter the room at the oppositeside. Now you enter the final resting room. Turn to the left, go forward andtake the twelfth Journal form the niche in thewall. Turn to the left and walk towards thelinking pedestal. Before using it switch on the hologram device to hear anothermessage of Yeesha. Turn to the left and click on the linking book to get linkedto.. Direbo.

Open the front gate of these two wooden bridges too.Because you opened the gates on the other sides of all bridges you're free towalk around Direbo to explore all the linking bubbles to the different ages.

Cross the left bridge. Enter thelinking bulb. Look around to see a planetary landscape beingprojected on the inner side of the bulb. Exit the bubble. Cross the left bridgeand enter the linking bubble. Look around to see an icy landscapebeing projected on the inner side of the bubble. Remember Esher told you thatthis is the Age you have to visit first. Before we do that, we want to explorethe other linking bubble too. Exit the bubble.

Cross the left bridge. Enter the linkingbubble. Look around to see some cliffs and a shore being projected onthe inner side of the bubble. Exit the bubble and cross the left bridge. Enterthe next linking bubble. Look around to see a tropical landscapebeing projected on the inner side. Exit the bubble.

As far as I know you can visit thedifferent ages in any order you like. However, let's start with the Age Eshertold you to start with, calledTaghira.


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Myst V: End of Ages

Also known as: Myst V: Koniec wieków (PL)
Developers: Cyan Worlds, Beenox (Mac OS X port)
Publishers: Ubisoft, Cyan Worlds (, Steam)
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X
Released internationally: March 16, 2012 (Steam), March 2012 (
Released in US: September 20, 2005
Released in EU: September 23, 2005

This game has unused animations.
This game has hidden development-related text.
This game has unused objects.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused models.
This game has unused cinematics.
This game has unused sounds.

Myst V: End of Ages is, true to its name, ostensibly the final game in the Myst series. That said, the game is mostly composed of unused Uru concepts. Cyan had ended up in a bad place financially following the shutdown of Uru Live and disappointing sales of the single-player version, and so development of Myst V was rushed.

To do:
  • Revisional differences (v1.0 to v1.2, v1.2 to M25AU)
  • Unused code
  • Proto page(s) for the game's two demos
  • Prerelease page
  • 2Unused Graphics

Unused Urwin

This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.
Specifically: Animations; screenshots of it placed in-game.

At some point in development, an urwin (a creature later appearing in Uru Live) was going to be present in Direbo. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, it was never fully implemented before the game was released.

Amongst the textures for Direbo is the urwin texture used in Negilahn in Uru Live. The dat folder also contains an urwin model (Direbo_drboUrwinShape.prp) and associated idle and walking animations (Direbo_UrwinIdle.prp and Direbo_UrwinWalk.prp). There is also unfinished code for spawning the urwin (, haphazardly copied and pasted from the code for spawning Bahros.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Graphics


Present in the textures for Descent is this texture from Uru. It isn't used in this game.

Also in the Descent texture file is this texture, showing, as per its name, many assorted books. It too goes unused, though this texture does not appear to be from Uru.


  • srln_pelican*0#0.hsm

  • srln_pelican_greenhead*0#0.hsm

The textures for the pelicans contain a fair amount of unseen content.


lakiflagclue_outline*0#1.hsm (Unused)
lakiflagclue*0#1.hsm (Used)

A version of the flag on Fighter Beach with the symbol outlined. A certain prerelease screenshot in the game's Prima Official Game Guide shows this version being used instead of the basic version.


A prototype slate pedestal is present in the texture files of Direbo and Noloben.

A prerelease screenshot exists showing the prototype pedestal being used in Todelmer.

This texture is present in the texture files of Noloben, Laki'ahn, and Myst Island.


The texture used for the editable journal in Uru. The player journal in Myst V uses a different texture (which also later appeared in Uru Live in its originally intended context).

When viewing a book, this texture would be used as the default cover if no other texture was specified. This can't occur in the game.

xplayerguicomponents*40#0.hsm (partially unused)
The '>chat' icon is left over from Uru Live, and is unsurprisingly not used in Myst V.

Parts of the avatar customisation GUI from Uru still remain in this game, despite the fact that this game does not have avatar customisation. Additionally, an early logo for the game can be seen, from when the project's working name was Sasquatch.

The textures used for Uru‍ '​s in-game menu are still present in this game, though unused.

Unused Dialogue


A Slate has been placed, and because of that a link is created. Use it!

An unused Esher line. The 'glbl' indicates that there are multiple Ages that the sound could have played in. Radiant defense reviews. There is a corresponding video (right) for Esher's face while saying the line, though there is no associated animation data for Esher's model. There are also no corresponding subtitles for this line, in any language. Trivia: Cyan quoted this line on their website.

There are also corresponding French, German, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish translations of the line (though no Italian or Polish):


Une Ardoise a été mise en place, par conséquent une liaison a été établie. Utilise laǃ


Eine Steinplatte wurde platziert und dadurch ist eine Verbindung entstanden. Benutze sieǃ




Плита возложена на пьедестал, и теперь портал открыт. Воспользуйся им.


Se ha colocado una pizarra, y debido a ello se ha creado la conexión. ¡Utilizala!

Development Text

There is a single unused journal in GlobalEnglish.loc (and the corresponding translation files), named TestBook. The journal specifies the texture 'xUruX2CreditsJournalCover*1#0.hsm' as its cover – this texture can't be found in Myst V‍ '​s files, but is instead the cover of the credits journal from Uru: The Path of the Shell.


The French and Italian translators blanked the XML tag containing the journal in their translations, and the Japanese translator left it in English. On the other hand, the German, Spanish, Polish, and Russian translators decided to translate it fully or partially, with the German translator also using it to test non-English characters.





A mockup of the journal's text in-game (by replacing the text of one of Yeesha's journals)
The texture from Uru: The Path of the Shell which is specified as the cover. The texture would be stretched in-game to fit.
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused 25th Anniversary Icon

As with the other games that received updates for Myst‍ '​s 25th anniversary (with the exception of realMyst: Masterpiece Edition), the game's Myst 25th Anniversary Update added an unused '.ico' file in the main directory, named EndOfAges.ico. Like the unused icons in the other games, this icon file is actually just a renamed PNG file, not an ICO file. Additionally, like the Uru: Complete Chronicles icon, this image is 255x256.

The Myst series
Mac OS ClassicMyst (Masterpiece Edition) • Riven
WindowsMyst (Masterpiece Edition) • Riven • realMYST (Masterpiece Edition) • Myst V: End of Ages
PlayStationMyst • Riven
Sega SaturnMyst
Mac OS XrealMYST (Masterpiece Edition) • Myst V: End of Ages
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