Rescue The Enchanter Scene 83

Rescue The Enchanter Scene 83 Average ratng: 3,8/5 7560 votes

This page contains Cheats for Rescue The Enchanter organized by sections for iPhone - iPad. This game has 'Adventure' as genre, made by Lone Wolf Games, Llc, released on Dec 20, 2016. If you can't find a hint or secret in our list, then please check this page periodically for the latest updates.

Rescue the Enchanter jumps around between sections frequently, so the sections are organized from the first time you encounter that area onwards.Areas 1-20 The game starts with a letter from your uncle explaining your goal. As the name of the game suggests, you want to rescue an enchanter. After reading this letter you are dropped in front of a gate with puzzles on both sides.Either puzzle can be done first.

The one on the left requires you to slide around symbols in the middle so that they match with symbols around the edge. This is not difficult but it is time consuming, so they kindly provide a skip button should you find yourself frustrated.

The puzzle on he left is a gorgon head that is all mixed up. Click on two pieces to swich them and use the edge of the circle and her facial features as guidelines.Once you have completed these puzzles, the gate will open and you'll be in front of some Grecian ruins. Click on the pile of three blocks in the center of the screen and you'll see a key. Grab it.Head back the way you came in because you aren't equipped to deal with the areas near these columns yet.

Take the path to the right and you'll be in front of two caravans. The one on the left is locked but you've just picked up the key. Open your inventory (the bag in the lower left corner) and drag the key from your bag to the locked door. While you're here, click on the wheels of this left caravan and snag the gold key.

Then, head on inside and take the matches that are sitting on the table. Tap the green curtains in the back and go into the back half of the caravan. There are two candles on the wall. Tap the candle on the right and a compartment will open up under the couch.Take the dynamite from the compartment and leave the caravan.

Now you're ready to deal with one of the areas near the columns so go back through the gate and to the right of the columns. There is a pile of rubble blocking the entrance for a tunnel.

Luckily, you now have dynamite and matches. Drag the dynamite from your inventory onto the rubble, then drag the matches. An explosion clears the way and you can go in.

There's a puzzle on the floor of the room, similar to the gorgon puzzle from earlier.Like in the gorgon puzzle, the edges are helpful in aligning the pieces properly. The floor will slide away to reveal a broom. Be sure to pick it up. While you are in this area, head to the little room in front of the stairs and grab the ship symbol lever leaning against the wall.Head out of the dungeon area, and back through the gate you started at. This time, instead of heading right to the caravans, swing a left.

Head straight, towards the desert area. Click on the tree stump on the edge of the desert. The game will automatically take a photo of the symbols on it.Go back to the caravans and straight past, into the woods. Take a right in the woods and use your broom to sweep away the leaves on the floor. There is a timed puzzle here, where you'll need to organize the symbols to match the stump.

Completing this will cause the floor to open up again. This time you're rewarded with a lever and a card.Return to the caravans. This time, enter the one on the right.

Place the card on the table and tap the left-most square above the desk. Pick up the laurels and head out.Go to area 8, to the left of the gate, and approach the blimp. Drag the key and lever onto the device and turn and pull them, respectively. Now, drag the ship symbol next to the Greek column icon.

Tap on the ship and pull the lever on the left to be transported into area 31. Don't worry that you haven't completed all of the areas from 1-20 yet, the game jumps around quite a bit.Areas 21-40 The blimp lands by the sea in area 31. Take a piece of firewood from the pile to your left and move down the path. Enter the building to your left and pick up the rope on the side of the boat. Click on the cabinet under the tool bench and snag the hatchet, as well.Exit the building and go down the dock, onto the ship.

Head up the stairs. Drag the hatchet onto the rope on the mast. This will release a sail and drop a key.

While you're here, grab a wooden handle that's on top of the platform by the wheel.Leave the ship and go back onto the path. Move down the path to area 34. Drag the wooden handle onto the door and head into the stables. Pick up the crowbar and exit.Keep going down the path to the next unexplored area, and go into the church. There's an area with candles up front but you aren't equipped to handle it yet, so go in the room on the left.

There are a lot of useful items in this room. On the desk itself is a candle snuffer, take it. Tap on the painting behind the wall to reveal a sort of clock.

The camera will automatically snap a photo. Drag the key onto the desk's drawers, and one will open up. Inside is another card and a map through the desert area.Return to the ship. Instead of going up the stairs this time, click on the door. The clock from behind the painting is the key to this puzzle. Press I 3 times, II 1 time, III 8 times, and IV 5 times. Turn the handle and go inside.Take the stairs down and pick up the bucket and the shovel.

Leave the ship and go back to the blimp. Take the blimp to the column location. Go up the path and to the desert area. Follow the instructions from the desk. Go up 6 times and left 2 times and you'll find yourself in an oasis.Tap on the water. Drag your bucket into the water to fill it up.

Back out and tap on the crates. Take the pitchfork, then use the crowbar to open up the middle crate and grab the brass tablet inside. Press the X to leave the desert, then take the blimp back to the ship zone.Go to the stables and open up the stable on the left to reveal a hay bale. Use the pitchfork to move the bale aside.

This will uncover a wooden door. Pry the door open with the crowbar.Prying the door open allows you to pick up a tablet inside. The tablet corresponds to the candles in the church, so leave the stables and go down the path to the church.

Use your matches to light the candles in the order of the markings on the tablet: 2, 1, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7. If you mess up you can use the snuffer to restart. The statue will slide away and you can pick up some oars.Go to area 34 and use the oars on the rowboat.

This will take you to area 47.Areas 41-60 Once you land in area 47, go up the stairs. Pick up the tablet on the shelf. This is the other half of the tablet you got from the crate in the oasis. While you are here, tap the pot in the lower right corner and take the card.Now we can go all the way back and open up that gate in the underground. Take the rowboat and then the blimp and make your way back to the rubble at area 13.

Go into the underground and tap on the black gate. Rotate the circles to match the directions of the arrows on the tablet.Enter the open gate and pick up the parchment and key on the floor. The parchment shows a picture of area 35, so take the blimp back over. Use the shovel to dig in the spot marked on the map.The shovel hits a crate, so you know what to do now. Grab your crowbar and pry it open. Pick up the tablet inside (they love tablets, don't they?), then take the rowboat back across to area 47. Follow the path on the right of the screen and go up the stairs.

Tap on the gray door on the left. Use your new tablet as a guide. Tap the puzzle to rotate it. Whenever a piece lines up with the direction it is supposed to go, tap on the piece itself.

It sould look like the set up below, but with the final piece on the right tapped as well.Go through the door and pick up the plant on the table. Tap open the cabinet and take the lever with the castle on it.Return to the rowboat and take it back, then head to the ship. Enter the door to the ship's interior and use your iron key to open the door on the left. Head inside the room.

Take the lantern and tap on the leftmost jacket. Tap the jacket pocket and grab the card.Leave the ship and return to the blimp. Add the castle lever if you'd like, but we're not headed there just yet. Instead, go back to the column marker. Return to the desert oasis. It's the same path as before: up, up, up, up, up, up, left, left.

Enter the doorway on the right. It's dark inside, but now you have a lantern, so drag your lantern onto the hook. On the bottom right of the back wall there's some detailing. Click on it and your camera will take a picture.Go back to the blimp.

If you haven't added the castle lever yet, do it now because that's where you're headed. The blimp will land in front of a castle that looks suspiciously like Neuschwanstein Castle. Click on the entrance to the castle, and then on the right of your screen so you can see the rest of the wall. At the base of the wall is a timed puzzle. To solve the puzzle, use the image in your camera from the oasis. It should end up like this:The wall opens up to. Another tablet and another piece of parchment!

Pick them up and take a ride back on the blimp to the ruins. Go underground to area 17, where you first picked up the ship lever. Pour the water from your bucket down the drain. The back wall will open up to 3 fountains.

Use your newest tablet to figure out the order to pull their handles. The order is 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3. The wall will then slide open again. Click on it to pick up a grappling hook and attach it to your rope.Tap on the area to the right of the grappling hook to reveal another clue that your camera will snap a photo of.

Take the blimp back to the ship area and then take the rowboat. Go up the stairs to the left. Arrange the cats on the right hand side in the size order of the clue you just got. The wall will slide open. Grab the sledgehammer and the crystal.Take the rowboat back and hop on your old friend the blimp. Destruction derby raw. Ride the blimp to the castle.

Return to the wall area where you encountered the puzzle before and throw your grappling hook over the top to climb up.Pull the lever on the side of the door so you don't have to take the long way around again. There's a rock on the floor that's out of place. Drag your sledgehammer over it and pick up the copper flute.Go down the path to the right and move to the area past the statue. Click on the bronze circle in the hedge. Rotate the rings until they match and it will open up so you can grab a wooden tablet. Tablet lovers everywhere rejoice.Go back around the wall and put your grappling hook back into your inventory, then take the blimp back to the column zone.

Go right towards the caravans and then into the woods. Tap on the tree with the odd symbols.Press the symbols in the order on the wooden tablet. This is not timed so you can look back and forth from the item. A card and a net will lower down.

Pick up both of them. Go to the caravans and use the net to fish a golden cube out of the well. Then make your way to the oasis (up, up, up, up, up, up, left, left, you know the drill). Use the net to take the cube out of the water here, as well.Go into the room on the right of the oasis, again. To the right of the lantern is a little music note. Click on it, and pull up your copper flute.

The first and third circles on the wall are filled in, so tap the first and third holes on the flute. This will open the right side of the wall in the room.Leave this room but stay in the oasis. Follow the directions from the parchment you found in the castle wall. Exit the oasis (not by pressing the X) and then go right, right, right, right, right, up, up, up. Drag your crystal between the Sphinxes to open up the gate.Go through the gate and see some ruins that look suspiciously like Petra. On the right hand side is another music note. Use your flute again, this time pressing holes 2 and 3.


A path will now appear.Continue onwards. Like at the beginning of the game you now have a puzzle on both sides that you can solve in either order.

The one on the left is a classic matching memory game. Even if memory games aren't your strength, there's no penalty for incorrect matches and no timer so just keep at it.The puzzle on the right is a Simon-type memory game. Press the button on the right side of the wall and repeat back the sequence of buttons pushed. Like with the other game there is no penalty for mistakes and the sequences don't change from attempt to attempt. Once you've completed 3 patterns, the main door will open. Go into the door and to the right. Light the two candles and pick up the key on the floor and the dish on the windowsill.Return to the blimp and take it to the ship area.

Board the ship and enter the interior. Go back into the room on the left and use your newest key to open the locker. Pull the lever to open the other door in the interior.Enter the newly opened room. There are 3 items in here you want: the card, the lever with the pagoda on it, and the plank with the bells on it in the righthand corner.Take the blimp back to the column zone.

While you're on the blimp, add the pagoda lever. Take the path down to the caravans and enter the caravan on the right. There's a bunch of cards in your inventory. Drag all of them onto the table in any order you please; they'll organize themselves. Pick up the soft mallet that descends from the ceiling.Travel back to the ship zone and take the rowaboat.

Enter the door in the middle. Use the soft mallet to hit the bells in the order on the plank. The order is: 1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4. This opens up a pipe puzzle.

Click on the pipe puzzle. The goal here is to connect the two arrows by rotating the pipes. The key is that there can be no pipes with open holes along the path. The solution looks like this:Head out of this room and back up the path to the right.

Don't go right up the stairs this time. Instead, tap on the barrels. Take the ladder.

Open the crate on the right with your crowbar and grab the wooden gear inside.Ride the blimp back to the column zone and go into the underground section. Head to the right and place your new ladder in the hole.

There's another well in here, so use your net to fish out another golden cube.There's a maze on the left wall. Rotate the maze to guide the ball to the edge of the circle. The wall will slide away, letting you pick up a stone with arrows on it.Return to the ol' reliable blimp and take it to the pagoda area.Areas 61-80 Take the road less travelled by (the right path) to area 69 and place your grappling hook on the boulder. Climb down and go inside the cave.Use your crowbar to pry the planks off of the wall and grab the chalice inside. In the upper right corner of the screen there are a few symbols.

Tap them and your camera will snap a photo.

Continue the adventure of The Enchanted Worlds in this much longer point-and-click style puzzle adventure game. Search for the enchanter who has been trapped for years within the enchanted world of the last book you discovered! Find clues, solve puzzles, and uncover tools along the way needed to unlock and explore vast, exotic worlds and rescue the enchanter.Uncle Henry has started to search for the enchanter within the book, but was unsuccessful so he is leaving this important task to you.

He left clues in the enchanted world within the book to help you on your journey.Your Uncle Henry has been renowned for discovering lost treasures for as long as you can remember. His legendary stories of adventure excited your imagination as you were a child growing up.