Heroes And Castles 2 Wave 8 Guide

Heroes And Castles 2 Wave 8 Guide Average ratng: 5,0/5 5800 votes

However, with many HP related skills the mages can be a deadly force deep into the enemy line. We have other useful Heroes and Castles guides in our mobile game guides section, please check them out! Please share this guide with your friends if you have found it helpful! Heroes and Castles Mage Stats.

This is an update of a build guide I posted last week. There was some really good feedback in that thread so I wanted to update it based on what I heard back from folks. Hope this helps folks and please give your own feedback on what's worked well for you!Wave Build GuideA lot of the information in this guide is based on Laku's videos, specifically this build guide:.

In this guide I will walk through what his suggestions are in addition to some alternate hero choices that have worked well for me. I’m currently at wave 46k and I’m very happy with the build I’m currently running.

In the end though these are just suggestions, try different builds out and see what works best for you.Laku’s build:My Build #1 (no targeted abilities):My Build #2 (includes targeted abilities, no witches):Build differences: Laku’s build uses both targeted abilities and witches. As I play the game on a phone, instead of emulated on a PC, targeted abilities are a pain in the butt when not using auto battle. If I’m going to use targeted abilities then I’d rather replace the witches with something else more effective.

That’s why I’ve essentially split Laku’s build into two separate builds. My first build doesn’t have any targeted abilities so it’s good for manual play. One thing to be careful of is that witch damage will fall off dramatically if they are under leveled. This is the biggest reason why I wanted to move away from them.

With that being said they are still very viable at wave 46k when my heroes are level 3.3k. My second build is what I use when auto battling (either paid or free).

It doesn’t rely on witches at all and instead replaces them with the dark ice wizard and dark lightning sorcerer. I really like this build.One thing to note about all three builds is that there are no more than 6 heroes which you will need to level.

If you replace some of the utility heroes with more damage heroes than you will be spreading your money too wide and all your heroes will be of lower level. It’s better to have a few high level heroes than a lot of lower level heroes. Both of the builds make the maximum amount of money which makes keeping them upgraded easier. Ultimately there are a lot of options this is just what has worked best for me.When leveling up it’s important to keep heroes, town archers and your castle at a good ratio. So when I do upgrades here’s what I do: 50 levels each for the 3 high damage/AOE heroes I’m currently using and the 2 archer heroes (dark elf and dark hunter). 300 town archer levels 120 castle levels which equates to 6,000 base HPOnce I’m done with the orc colony battles I intend to stop leveling Alice and Dorothy.

Until then I continue to upgrade them because of their use in colony battles. HeroesArcher Trio: Dark Elf: The HP and mana recovery is vital in all game modes. Early on you may need to over-level this hero (level it significantly higher than your other heroes) in order to maintain enough mana on waves. Once you get an item with +1 arrow on it then you can bring its level in line with the other heroes. Dark Ranger: This hero is a significant source of damage to the tauren, bosses and the dragon. Typically the Dark Ranger does 5-8% of the damage in a wave for me.

It’s worth leveling because of the importance of who it damages. Dark Hunter: Town archers are typically a 1/3 of damage in any given wave. The buff given by this hero is very useful. No need to level past 31 for this hero as its actual damage is horrible. You should have the Dark Hunter on the left most side, Dark Elf in the middle, Dark Ranger on the right, all on the same row. This makes the most use of the passive attack speed buff.High damage/AOE Damage Heroes: Flame Ogre/Venom Voodoo: Both of these heroes hit all ground forces when they use their ability.

Some folks swear by Venom Voodoo while others are fans of the Flame Ogre. Both are great choices. I use Flame Ogre because he has a shorter cooldown and his damage is instant. Voodoo’s damage is in the form of a DOT (damage over time) so other heroes and town archers continue to waste damage on mobs which will die anyway. The Flame Ogre is normally the highest damage hero on my waves. Dark Lightning Sorcerer: The Dark Lightning Sorcerer is normally the second highest damage hero on my waves. It is very good in taking care of flying monsters so its AI should be set to target air.

The Dark Ice Wizard and Dark Lightning Sorcerer should be side by side on the same row. Elizabeth/Fire Windy/Giants: In my experience Elizabeth is awesome once you get her good gear.

Fire Windy can be good but her damage seems to vary dramatically from one wave to the next, she’s not consistent. I haven’t played with the giants but I’ve heard that once you get two +1 summoned unit items on it then it becomes very good. Ultimately there are multiple heroes which may fit into this category if you get good gear for them. I’m satisfied with my current setup for damage heroes but I will definitely be trying other heroes out as I get the gear and extra gold to upgrade them.Witches: Alice: This witch summons skeleton archers and should be promoted to fire damage.

Generally speaking this is the highest damage witch. Dorothy: This witch summons skeleton mages and should also be promoted to fire damage. Lisa: Summons skeleton warriors and should be promoted to poison damage. Don’t bother leveling very high because the skeleton warrior damage is very low.

I stopped leveling at 1000.Utility Heroes: Dark Necromancer: Massive damage boost. Bishop: Town archer damage buff and hero attack speed buff. Once I’ve completed conquering all colonies I might switch over to Cleric on this hero but for right now the hero attack speed buff comes in very handy with the witches. Pure Wizard: Great cooldown reduction for all heroes. Generally I put the Dark Necromancer on one side and Bishop on the other.

Dark Ice Wizard: Great for crowd-control. No need to level past 31 as the damage is abysmal. Place it next to the Dark Lightning Sorcerer on the same line in order to boost the lightning sorcerer’s damage.Money Making Heroes: Military Band: 35% gold bonus.

This is a given for waves. Orc Band: 20% more mobs means 20% more gold. This is also a given for waves. Towers Golden Tree: Gold is good!

Trophy: Again, gold is good J Frozen Tower 2: Wouldn’t level past 31 Thunder Tower 2: Early on this tower will carry you on waves but eventually its damage starts to drop-off. I personally wouldn’t level it past 1300 or so. Castle Parts Bottom level: Doesn’t really matter as you shouldn’t be melee’d except by the occasional boss or tauren. I chose the Frozen Castle. Middle two levels: Minigun Castle and Lightning Castle. The minigun is amazing, the lightning is OK.

If I had it to do over again I might go ballista instead of lightning. Top: Gold Castle. You should have your highest damage heroes on the gold bonus line (shown below)Town Buildings Mine: Gold Spring Water: the cooldown reduction is awesome considering how much damage is done by heroes. Hero Guild: Could reasonably use the Archer Guild here instead but I find the Hero’s Guild more useful. Leader Zero: Zero is cool for a couple reasons.He has an effect which increases damage by 10% to all enemies effected by slow.He has an AOE slow which he casts every 20 seconds.He’s a ranged hero, so you don’t need to level him nearly as far in order to keep him alive. Considering each leader level costs as much as 3 hero levels this turns into a HUGE money savings.TreasuresThe treasures are very straightforward for standard wave builds.

Use your own tactics, work out schemes and manoeuvres, use different types of weapon, to sink your enemy and win the battle!Key features:- 3 Different epochs: ancient, medieval, modern- 2 Modes of Playing: PLAYER vs PLAYER, PLAYER vs AI- Bonuses. Two fleets meet in the deadly naval fight. Battle path 3d games.

It basically comes down to three options:Manual Waves: Cursed Knife Sharp Arrow Gold Bar Golden Heart Bronze PiecePaid Auto-Battle Waves: Cursed Knife Sharp Arrow Gold Bar Golden Heart Worthlessgless Coin (called Worthless Coin)Free Auto-Battle Waves: Cursed Knife Sharp Arrow Worthless Coin Iron Wheel WhipAll items should be leveled to +10, which is the maximum. The Cursed Knife + Sharp Arrow combo means your town archers have a 100% crit chance.

Everything else is devoted to getting the most gold per wave.Hope you find this build guide helpful. Enjoy those waves!.

Because Elizabeth has worked so well for me and is good across both builds I've chosen to include her there. You're absolutely right though that you could include Lisa instead and that would work. The biggest difference I've found is dealing with the tauren mini-boss, which Elizabeth excels at. For colony battles where there are no mini-bosses I include Lisa instead of Elizabeth (along with other changes).For right now I'm keeping the witches up with the 3 other high damage heroes. Once I get the gear I'm really looking forward to trying out replacing the witches with the giant + succubus. That's in the future though.

She's definitely damage. When I'm running my autobattle build, which is what I do a lot of, it normally goes:. town archers.

fire ogre. dark lightning sorcerer. elizabeth. 2 castle parts/dark ranger where the three kinda go up and down on a per wave basisThose top four can flip around some but generally those are the results. For the items I have a double '+ crit chance' purple ring and a sword with damage%, stun chance, and critical damage.

Ideal equipment has either crit chance or damage%. There's a couple things I would try. replace Zeus with the Bishop. specifically level the two witches. When their level gets too low the skeletons get killed before their full summon duration which makes their damage plummet. Once the skeleton summons from the witches are surviving the full duration then start work on the other heroes and town archers. The witches are horrible for the Sin dragon, not worth even bringing.

It sounds as if your heroes and town archers are too low level. Start working on those and just put a little bit into the castle. don't level the dark ice wizard, dark hunter or any of the towers at all, they're just for utility. The exception is the lightning tower, you can keep leveling that up for a bit because it's good at your level. Try and save up your gems to level up the minigun and lightning castle parts. Early game they are very good damage.

Don't level up the thorns base, it's not worth the gems compared to the other two parts.Hope this helps.

Wave 5 is a difficult level for people just starting out. With the selection of units at that stage, this wave takes a long time. Try to defend your base by yourself until you get your, then get some, and finish off by getting. You need to be careful of your health in this wave, mainly because there are a lot of in this wave. Also, keep track of lag that happens on your device. If it gets too laggy, your game will crash and you will have to start Wave 5 all over again (Note that this happened to me).